Moments of Gratitude 11/21
To All My Friends
That I could be this human at this time
breathing, looking, seeing, smellingThat I could be this moment at this time
resting, calmly moving, feeling-May Yang
Thanksgiving is this month, so I’ve collected a few images over the past week that are moments I feel grateful for.
bike on trainer
indoor cycling class from home
meditation cushion
Charlie Brown Christmas tree
Feel-good Christmas romance
current mood
reading the classics
Palmer Girl got an award
fresh flowers in the house, always
view of the shed from kitchen window
sunlight streaming in
my everyday breakfast
Bike on the trainer: This is a new-to-me bike that I’m happy to have. I put it on a trainer and do my work-outs in the shed. Adapting is the name of the game. I had surgery on my foot, a month ago, and I’m about 70% back to normal, but I haven’t received the go-ahead from my doctor to return to running yet. So cycling, it is. It has rained nearly every day this month anyhow, so I’m okay with being inside.
Indoor cycling class from home: YouTube is awesome, and Kayleigh Cohen Cycling helps me stay motivated through the whole workout.
Meditation cushion: I love the benefits of daily meditation. The cushion I use is actually an unused dog bed. I bought it for my poodle, Genevieve, but she wasn’t interested in replacing her old bed. She completely ignored the new one—so I took it and repurposed it. It works great!
Charlie Brown Christmas tree: I like having an imperfect Christmas tree on my desk. I’m working on a rough draft right now, so it’s a good reminder. In the drafting stage, perfection is not the goal.
Feel-good Christmas romance: On Christmas Avenue by Ginny Baird. This was a cute story. I had to suspend some disbelief over some timeline issues (who organizes a town parade with 60+ floats in less than a month?), but once I got past those, I enjoyed the book.
Current mood: This was totally a staged photo for IG, but creating a scene that sets a mood is something I love to do.
Reading the classics: I’m still working on reading The Brothers Karamazov (it’s a long one) but I can see why it is a well-loved classic.
Palmer Girl got an award: My 1890s historical romance got an honorable mention from the Faith and Fellowship Book Festival this year! The certificate came in the mail this week. And yes, I’m going to frame it. ; )
Fresh flowers in the house, always: Buying flowers for myself is a way I practice self-care.
View of the shed from my kitchen window: This backyard shed is used constantly. My spouse started building it in 2020 and finished summer, 2021. It was a lot of work for him, but it has been a huge blessing to have that extra bit of space for our family.
Sunlight streaming in: I heard the Seattle area set some records for the amount of rain we received in November—and that’s really saying something for Seattle. The days have mostly been dark, so when the sunlight streams through my dining room window, I take pictures!
My everyday breakfast: plain non-fat Greek yogurt with berries, cacao powder, turmeric, cinnamon, and a handful of unsalted mixed nuts—all mixed together. This is what I eat every morning, and I never get tired of it. It’s anti-inflammatory, high in calcium and protein, and delicious!
How about you? What moments are you grateful for today?