It's time to dust off this old blog
Finding inspiration in the pages of Bella Grace, Cozy issue
Genevieve, my writing companion
A long time ago, circa 2007, I had an online journal that was nothing more than a celebration of everyday joys. It didn’t follow any of the “best practices” of SEO and I didn’t bother promoting it on social media channels. I was simply having fun playing with words and photography, and finding connections with like-minded souls.
For the last year, I’ve been feeling a tug in my heart to return to that old-school style of blogging. I’ve missed it.
The reinvention of daily life means marching off the edge of our maps. -Bob Black
What new twist can you add to an old routine?
There’s comfort in the familiar, but sometimes it’s time to shake those old routines up. I’m answering the above question by adding a twist to my weekly writing routine by—at least partly—going back to where I started. My current writing project is a contemporary Christmas romance that likely won’t see publication for yet another year. I give six days a week to book writing, but I’m resolving to do something different with my seventh day. I’m carving out a space for experimentation—where I can march off the map of what I’ve learned about how online writing “should” be done, and, instead, simply…be. This is that place.
Come along with me if you like. If you haven’t already subscribed to my email list you may do that HERE to get updates on new posts. As far as what to expect: I’m aiming to post once a week and my favorite topics are reading, hygge living, mindfulness, and writing. Also, I love photography, and I want to grow and improve in that area, so all pictures shared, from here on, will be my own images of everyday life and what I find beautiful. Welcome.
Portland State University…campus visit with my son. He’s already a high school senior.
Simon Benson house @ Portland State University, built in 1900
the view from my backyard writing shed
Reading: Bella Grace, The Cozy Issue
Listening: A Very Proper Tea Party with Dame Mary Berry (Calm app, sleep story)
Watching: Yellowstone
Tasting: Tim Horton’s Chai Tea
Feeling: content
How about you? What new twist can you add to an old routine?