Take a Hike
There was a study done in 2012 that explored the critical role of our environment on the way we think and behave. Essentially, the findings indicated that problem solving skills and creativity increase by as much as 50% when people spend time outdoors.
I’m not a hard-core hiker. I’ve never gone on an overnight hike (and I don’t really want to). I do love to roam the trails of a nearby forest, however, and a walk along the waterfront never fails to help me feel more creative when I’m stuck with my writing.
Today, I want to encourage you to get outside and take a hike! Hiking not only increases creativity and problem solving skills, but it’s a great way to increase your fitness level and your heart health. Also, it can be a lot of fun!
The hardest part of hiking is often just getting out the door. As long as take some time to prepare, you won’t regret it. There’s something very satisfying about being outside, exercising your muscles, and enjoying the beauty of what God created in nature.
If you haven’t been hiking lately, I would advise starting slow. Don’t underestimate the vigor of this activity. Pack along some essentials and some snacks (see list below) and overestimate the amount of time it will take.
A good estimate is 2mph + 1 hr. for every 1000 ft. gained in elevation.
If you don’t know where to go on your hike, let me tell you about a wonderful little app for your phone. It’s called, All Trails. It uses your phone’s GPS to find nearby trails, it will give you driving directions to the trailhead, and it will let you know the estimated time it will take plus the difficulty level. You can also track and record the hikes you take with this app.
I was surprised at how many trails that I didn’t even know about, were close to me. You may be surprised, as well.
It’s also a good idea to go with a friend, let people know where you’re going, and when you expect to be back.
The fresh air will help you feel renewed and rejuvenated!
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If you would like to participate in today's discussion, feel free to share anything. Do any of you have some good hiking stories?