Scriptures and Quotations for the Anxious Heart

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Trusting God is the cure for an anxious heart.  The Bible is full of scriptures that remind us of this. I love to collect scriptures...memorizing them, writing them down, and keeping them close at hand for the times when my heart feels anxious.  I also love to collect quotes on trusting God from authors that I respect and that I'm learning from.

He should keep it with him all the time and read from it every day of his life.
— Deuteronomy 17:19a NCV


In the process of writing Look to Jesus:  How to Let Go of Worry and Trust God, I collected a large treasury of scriptures and quotes and the topic of trusting God.  I recommend reading the book for a more in-depth look at trusting God,  but I wanted to provide a resource for you, dear readers, a quick reference that I could give to you, with some of my favorite quotes and scriptures on the topic. That's what I've done with this new e-booklet that I've created, called, Scriptures and Quotations for the Anxious Heart.  In keeping with the Above the Waves theme of this blog, I've paired the quotes and scriptures with a sampling of photographs that I've taken around the water over the past few years. 

My hope is that this booklet will be a source of encouragement- by pointing you to God's Word. It's only seven pages..easy to print off and easy to reference.

resources, trustDawn Klinge