Nautical Baby Shower Invites (With 6 Ways to Encourage a New Mom)


This is a sponsored post but all opinions given are my own. 

6 simple ideas to encourage a new mom | nautical baby shower invites | shower invites baby || #babyshower #newmom

As a new mother, I was on the receiving end of some really sweet encouragement.  I remember the feelings of gratitude, of wanting to pay it forward- and I remember how hard it was to do much of anything, beyond taking care of my baby at that time.  


I looked forward to the time when I would get to be the one giving encouragement.  I didn’t want to forget how much of a need there is, for new moms to be showered with God’s love, through the encouragement of friends in those early days of motherhood.  It’s a precious time.  It’s also an emotional and difficult time.


If you know a new mom, and you’re looking for ways to encourage her, here are 6 simple tips!


1.  Listen.  Acknowledge that motherhood is really hard.  New mothers need grace.  They need a safe person who will listen without judgment more than they need advice. 


2.  Bring them a meal.  Alleviating the pressure of planning, shopping, and cooking is a great gift.  It has never been easier to arrange meals for new moms.  My favorite way to organize meals for new moms is by using the app called Take Them A Meal.


3.  Pray for them (and let them know it).  I have a friend who’s a great source of encouragement to me through her prayers.  She sends me quick text messages once a week, reminding me that she’s praying and asking if there’s anything specific that she can pray about.  She told me at the beginning of the year that she had made a commitment to pray for me each week.  What an incredible blessing she is!   


4.  Be specific in your offers of help.  When my kids were younger, my husband and I had a wonderful group of friends who would offer to watch our kids for us if we wanted.   When an offer was open-ended, though, it felt really awkward to ask.  I really loved it when someone would say, “Hey, I don’t have plans on ____.  If you need some time away, I would be happy to come over and babysit for a couple of hours.”


5.  Share words of encouragement.  Send an encouraging card.  Texting or sending messages through social media allows a new mom, whose sleep schedule is probably a little crazy, to stay in touch with friends…when it’s convenient for them.  If you’re looking for things to say to your friend, here’s a great list from Rachel Wojo.

6. Throw a party!  

A baby shower is such a sweet way to encourage a new mom and it's a perfect way to provide both material and emotional support.

I was recently contacted by Basic and was offered a sampling of several of their different shower invitations baby -along a few other items they make. The designs are beautiful and the quality is top notch.  I'm definitely keeping them in mind for the next time I throw a party for a new mother.

6 simple ideas to encourage a new mom | nautical baby shower invites | shower invites baby || #babyshower #newmom

Basic Invite is one of the few websites that allows customers the ability to order a printed sample of their actual invitation so they can see exactly how it will print as well as the paper quality before they ever have to place their final order.

The sailboat baby shower invitations were some of my favorites- so cute!

Right now Basic Invite is offering 15% off with coupon code: 15FF51

6 simple ideas to encourage a new mom | nautical baby shower invites | shower invites baby || #babyshower #newmom

I know there are many more ways to encourage a new mom.  These suggestions I’ve shared are ones that personally meant a lot to me.  I'd love to hear ideas that you have in the comments!

hospitalityDawn Klinge