Making More of Jesus at Christmas with Teens
“My husband and I have tried to be intentional in making much of Jesus at Christmas, since our kids were young, and some traditions will stay the same- but as anyone with teens knows, a different approach and some new tools are needed as kids get older.”
Making much of Jesus over Christmas isn’t only about commemorating our Lord’s birth. Making much of Jesus is about following his example and living in a way that brings glory to God. As Christians, this what we are called to year-round, but the holidays are a special time of year, where people are often particularly sensitive to the things of God. We can use the holidays as an opportunity to be a light in the world for Jesus and we can lead our kids, through our example, in what this looks like.
I'm guest writing at Melanie Redd's blog, Ministry of Hope, today, with a post called Making Much of Jesus at Christmas with Teens. You can read the rest, here.