Look to Jesus is Now An Audiobook
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“Look to Jesus, all the time, whether life’s seas are calm or the storms are raging. He is the answer. Jesus, God’s perfect son, leads us to God the Father, who is more than worthy of our trust.”
Look to Jesus: How to Let Go of Worry and Trust God, is the title of my book that came out in January. It has been exciting to see how God has been using this little book. I love hearing from people who've read it, who've shared with me how it has served as an encouragement to them.
I've struggled with anxiety and I know the difficulty, the futility, of trying to stay in control all the time. I'm learning to let go and trust Jesus. This book looks at who God is and why he can be trusted. It contains stories from my own life to show how and why I've come to a place of knowing, beyond a doubt, that the God I serve is trustworthy.
@@I pray that my book will encourage you to take a closer look at who God is.@@
It's exciting for me to be able to offer this book in another format, to make it even more accessible to you. Now, in addition to being available in paperback and digital, you can listen to the audiobook version! You can get it on Audible, Amazon, and iTunes.
Only recently, did I discover the advantages of audiobooks. I usually like to have a book I can hold when I read at home, but I've started listening to my books when I'm at the gym. It's a great motivator, especially when I make up my own silly rules...like not allowing myself to listen to certain audiobooks unless I'm working out. I'll often work out longer, too, if I'm in a really good part of the book that I don't want to turn off.
I couldn't be happier with the way the audio version of Look to Jesus turned out. Julie Curruth produced and narrated the book- and she did an excellent job. I love listening to her voice. You can hear a sample of the book, here.
There's also a way that you can have the audio version for free! If you haven't already discovered how much fun Audible is, now's the time. You can do a trial membership for a month and get Look to Jesus at no cost. If you're already a member of Audible, the book is discounted to $4.86.
“This Scripture-saturated book is the PERFECT first step to growing in your ability to trust God!”
Writing and sharing this book has been a joy- as it has also been an exercise in trusting Jesus. There were many ways that God gently, but clearly, encouraged me to write this book, even when it seemed a scary thing to do, and he has proven himself faithful throughout.
"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful;" Hebrews 10:23
Look to Jesus: How to Let Go of Worry and Trust God, by Dawn Klinge, available here on Audible.