How to Let Go of Worry and Trust God. Look to Jesus, Book Release

Look to Jesus, launch day book giveaway

-This post contains Amazon affiliate links.  If you click on and buy through one of these links, I do receive a small percentage.  Thank you.-

Today, I'm excited to tell you that @@my new book, Look to Jesus:  How to Let Go of Worry and Trust God is available!@@ You can get it on Amazon in either paperback or Kindle formats.  

I've included the introduction to the book below- so you can have a peek at what it's all about. 

In celebration of this book's release (as well as the one-year anniversary of this blog) I've put together a gift box of some of my favorite things.  I wish that I could send one out to everyone.  I appreciate you all so much.  The details of what's in the box, and how to win it, are at the end of this post.


Introduction, Look to Jesus:

Trust in Jesus. When life is smooth sailing, it might be easy to hear that phrase and feel assured that your heart is right where it needs to be. Yes, of course, I trust in Jesus, says the church girl who knows all the “right” answers. For me, it took some big storms to get me to think more about what it really meant to trust in Jesus.

No longer content to gloss over some emotional pain I was experiencing, I decided to do the very thing I usually do when I feel like my life is out of control. I started seeking more information and writing about it. But this time, my search wasn’t focused on how I could help myself. My search was centered on how God could help me. If I was going to give up control and put my trust in someone other than myself I wanted to think deeply about why God is trustworthy.

That’s a very satisfying question to ask. The answers can be found in learning more about who God is. The more we learn about who God is, the more we can see why he is absolutely trustworthy. That topic is like a beautiful, endlessly deep ocean that we’re all invited to dive into. This book is just a small toe dipped in that ocean; but I hope it will entice you to continue seeking and to learn more about who God is, long after you reach the last page.

Look to Jesus, all the time, whether life’s seas are calm or the storms are raging. He is the answer. Jesus, God’s perfect son, leads us to God the Father, who is more than worthy of our trust. I’ve found that, when my eyes are on Jesus, I gain a supernatural peace, found nowhere else. The worries are easier to let go of. I can rest.

In the following pages, I’ve shared stories of God’s faithfulness from my past- stories that have reminded me that God has been trustworthy all along, even when I wasn’t paying attention. God never changes (Mal. 3:6). He has been faithful and he will continue to be in the future.

I’ve sought to learn more about who God is and why he is trustworthy. I don’t come from a place of knowing it all, but rather, as a fellow student, asking questions and falling more and more in love with the amazing God I serve as I find the answers. By the grace of the Holy Spirit, I pray that the words in this book will be used to build up your faith- so that you, too, will look to Jesus, letting go of worry and trusting God.

(from the introduction of Look to Jesus)

It's time for a giveaway!  Look to Jesus, the book, and a few of my favorite things are included.

Gift basket giveaway

Would you like a closer look at what's in there?

gift basket giveaway

Included in this giveaway are: 

  • Look to Jesus (paperback)

  • Blank journal

  • owl mug

  • peach tea

  • raspberry thin mints

  • Yankee candle (frosting scent)

  • doTERRA Balance essential oil (sent separately, courtesy of The Brown Tribe)

*If you're on a mobile device, you'll need to click the link above to enter the giveaway

I'm grateful for all the help I can get in spreading the word about this new book.  I'm excited about it's message and I pray that it will be a blessing to everyone who reads it. The giveaway goes until Friday, Feb. 5th- you enter by using the Rafflecopter box.  I'll contact the winner at that time and announce it with an update to this post- but don't wait until then to get the book. : )  If you win, and you already have a copy, you can give one away!  So, go on...go get yourself a copy of Look to Jesus:  How to Let Go of Worry and Trust God.

Contest is closed....Horace Williams is the winner!

trust, resourcesDawn Klinge